Helping Decrease Rashes

There are many different kinds of rashes that have various causes. Some rashes are associated with fever and/or serious illnesses and should be brought to the attention of a healthcare professional immediately. Here we will mainly focus on more common rashes not typically associated with fever.

Rashes generally cause the skin to change color and can be accompanied by inflammation, itching (pruritus), blisters, swelling and pain. Many rashes are nonspecific. They can last from 5 to 20 days and can be associated with problematic issues such as irritations, sunburn, allergies, eczema, infections (including yeast infections), cancer, autoimmune diseases, medications and insect bites.

Viniferamine® skin care products contain ingredients that help decrease inflammation and itching including the small molecule polyphenols oleuropein, resveratrol and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) from olives, grapes and green tea respectively, as well as the important small molecules, melatonin and L-glutathione. In addition, dipotassium glycyrrhizate from licorice, avenanthramides in oats, aloe vera and shea butter possess anti-inflammatory activities. Aloe vera has also been found in some cases to decrease pain.

Viniferamine® Renewal Moisturizer contains the most potent dose of the anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found in the Viniferamine® skin and wound care products. Renewal Moisturizer (like all the Viniferamine® products) is non-sensitizing and can be applied daily to fragile, irritated skin.

Four common types of rashes and their presentations are:

  1. Petechial/purpuric - red or purple spots on skin due to hemorrhaging of small vessels or capillaries in the skin. This type of rash can be associated with a life-threatening disease or complication and a healthcare professional should be contacted immediately. 
  1. Erythematous - diffuse red skin from capillary congestion that has the appearance of severe sunburn. Cellulitis can cause this type of rash that typically spreads on the lower leg. Cellulitis is caused by a bacterial infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. It is a common health problem for which increasing numbers of patients are hospitalized. 

Viniferamine® skin and wound care products like Antiseptic Cleanser contain various small molecule ingredients with antibacterial activity including resveratrol, EGCG, oleuropein and melatonin. Antiseptic Cleanser also includes the broad-spectrum antimicrobial benzalkonium chloride. 

Radiation therapy for cancer can cause radiation dermatitis associated with this type of rash. The anti-inflammatory and skin strengthening ingredients in Viniferamine® Renewal can help decrease inflammation, rash and radiation dermatitis.

Another rash of this type that is becoming more common is due to bacteria that cause Lyme disease. These rashes typically have a “bull’s eye” shape that forms around the tick bite. Lyme disease is becoming more widespread and can be associated with serious complications. Any suspected Lyme disease rash should be brought to the attention of a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

  1. Maculopapular – this is the most common type of rash, which is characterized by two types of lesions: macules that are flat red splotches and papules that are solid raised lesions. Some typical maculopapular rashes include those caused by reactions to drugs including antibiotics and some chemotherapy medications, as well as the familiar heat rash.

Heat rash or miliaria (not to be confused with malaria) occurs when sweat ducts become clogged. Heat rash can occur from heat accumulation in the skin due to high temperatures and humidity, intense exercise, certain medications or certain medical conditions. Affected skin should be cleansed with a gentle cleanser like Viniferamine® Clean N Moist or Antiseptic Cleanser. 

  1. Vesiculobullous - characterized by fluid-filled lesions. Some health issues that can cause vesiculobullous rashes include eczema, poison ivy and shingles. Eczema can be caused by allergic reactions to chemicals or toxins that can cause skin irritation and itching so it’s important to use a mild cleanser like Viniferamine® Clean N Moist to keep sensitive skin free of irritants. Poison Ivy and shingles can spread on an individual or to other individuals and also be quite painful. A healthcare provider should be consulted when these rashes occur especially in the case of shingles, which can cause ocular damage and loss of vision.

A less common type of rash known as a malar rash occurs on the cheeks and bridges of the nose. This rash is red or purple, may be blotchy or solid in appearance and has been called a “butterfly rash” due to its shape.

Some health issues associated with malar rashes include: the autoimmune disease known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), bacterial infections, vitamin deficiencies (pellagra) and rosacea. 

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that typically involves the central portion of the face. Rosacea is more prevalent in fair-skinned people of Northern and Eastern European or Celtic descent, but can also occur in other populations. Viniferamine® Renewal Moisturizer and Clean N Moist can strengthen the skin barrier and increase skin hydration for people with SLE and rosacea. 

Viniferamine® Hydrocortisone Cream 1% can help temporarily with rash and itching caused by eczema, psoriasis and insect bites (such as gnats or mosquitoes) and other skin irritations. Viniferamine® Hydrocortisone Cream 1% also contains the skin strengthening phytonutrients included in all of the Viniferamine® products. 

There are many types of rashes with varying severity so it’s important to try to identify the type and cause. It’s good to know that Viniferamine® skin care products can help decrease the inflammation, itch and discomfort associated with many rashes.

About the author: Nancy Ray, PhD is the Science Officer at McCord Research. Dr. Ray received her PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics and was a postdoctoral fellow at NIH, Harvard University and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and the University of Iowa. She also earned bachelor of science degrees in Chemistry and Microbiology.


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